Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Cruisecontrol.net howto (draft)

This is a draft of what I had to do to get CruiseControl.Net and Delphi to play nicely - I will fill out the details later!

1. Install Apache 2.
2. Install Mod_ASPDotNet.
3. Install CruiseControl.Net.
4. Install CCTray.
5. Create a project to test.
7. Setup connection to Seapine Surround.
8. Setup the MSBuild section to build the application.
9. Modify the DUnit tests to output XML.

This I did using the entry above, and changed the base UnitTest program code to look like this:

res : TTestResult;


if IsConsole then
if ParamCount <> 0 then
if (copy(ParamStr(1), 0, 5) = '/xml=') then
res := XMLTestRunner.RunRegisteredTests(copy(ParamStr(1), 6, length(ParamStr(1)) -5))
res := TextTestRunner.RunRegisteredTests
res := TextTestRunner.RunRegisteredTests

if (res.ErrorCount <> 0) then
halt (1);

More later!

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