Wednesday, 1 April 2009

CI with Delphi

I am trying to get CruiseControl.NET to connect to a Surround SCM system and then check out and build (and then test if possible) projects.

It was simple to install, but it needs as ASP.NET server to work (or so it seems). I've installed Apache and the mod_asp (or whatever it is called), and have got a simple ASP script to work, but can't get the CC.NET dashboard application to run.

More news as it breaks.

Update 1

I now have access to the CC.NET dashboard working. I can't get the command line that CC.NET builds to be correct, the settings seem OK, but I get the following ...

Process command: E:\Program Files\Seapine\Surround SCM\sscm.exe cc * -d20090401153253:20090401153326 -r -bXXXX -p"XXXXXX" -x- -zABCABCDABCDEF:4900 -y"XXX:XXX"

Update 2

Fixed the file locations, and started up the VPN, and now CruiseControl downloads the latest source, and tries to rebuild - the MSBuild process now gives the following error:

E:\Documents\Mark\CCBuildDir\SSCMClone\D2009\XXXX\XXXX\XXXXX.dproj (,):

errorMSB4057: The target "Rebuild" does not exist in the project.

So we are getting much closer, and this might be working before I go back to work

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